I R l337 f00!

Listens but does not hear
Song of the week:  Damaged by Fear Factory

click here to download file

I now have the Pizza Matrix film hosted.  Thanks tripod!

click here to download file

Fuckin-A man, got myself a new laptop.  A Dell Smartstep 200n.  Badass.  Gonna play some TRPG on it.
Tonight i got flamed on the TRPG forums, so I stated dicking the dude down, and it is quite funny.  In fact, I pretty much made him my forum bitch.  Read pages 3-5 when the flames begin: Click here
Oh, and by the way, I am Darwin.  I dont think I've ever been called a nigger this many times in such a short amount of time ever before.  Watch these two bitches Draconi and WastedYouth666 get beat down.  Its funny.
I swear everyday I want to shoot this fucking computer.  Its just too damn slow.  When it pisses me off, I yell "You suck!" and slap the monitor.  Im serious.  Why cant my parents see that this peice of shit machine is slowly killing their gamer son?  *Sigh* I guess I'll buy myself a new one.  Why does this machine keep haunting me?  I run a program, it runs like a terrorist with a legwound.  I counter-attack with a ctrl+alt+delete, it sends a devestating crash.  Game over.  Why cant it just give up the ghost instead of going down the hard way?  Help me end my misery.  Shoot my computer.
Hmm, I find something funny.  For months, I have battled my yahoo mail account (ice_gamer@yahoo.com) to keep spam out of my mail.  Today I am victorious.  But weirdly, I am dissapointed.  I open my mailbox, and find that I have not recieved a single email.  Sort of an ominous feeling.  Should I feel bad now that I have no emails sent to me?  Even from asshole corps. who flood people's mailboxes everyday with ads for Viagra and Porn?  I dont know.  I guess this is how people who come home to an answering machine that has no messages feels.
End this torment :-\, email me...
I love you CLAIRE!
Tomarrow Patrick Mulroy fights this trailer trash guy I think.  Actually, he might have to fight several guys at once.  Im gonna get Micheal Koren to take some pictures of the fight.  Hope its good :-)).

I think from now on I'm actually going to put effort into whatever I do.  Probably becuase my family offered me a new laptop if I make good grades for the rest of the year.  Heh, that's proper incentive if you ask me.
So I start my own website.  Probably spurred by the fact that Jason Schumer had one and I didnt.  Well, actually I had a few, but they sucked ballsack so I ditched them.
Today we had Homecoming.  I didnt go.  I said the fuck with them, I really dont care.  Also, we had a pep rally.  And we got to vote for homecoming queen.  Damn I need a girlfriend.  :-P
If you want to play a cool game, I can hook you up by sending a game over AIM.  At the moment I am hooked on a mod called Tribes RPG.  Though it has a steep learning curve, the game is extremely fun to play, and you will find the hours pass even more quickly as you play it.  Ask me and I'll send you what you need to play.
If you want to IM me, my AIM is:  Dainbramage559
Why do we all use AIM?  Yahoo messenger is so much better.  You can do stuff like netcam chat and stuff.  AOL, so easy to use, no wonder so many retards use it.

It sucks because it has shitty bandwidth

If you see this guy on your computer, run...

This is me...

Got some cool videos here.  If you can take em, that is.

Shocking Injury Footage

BMW fims -- a badass short films website.  Go see it if you have never seen these shorts bfore.

BMW films

Oh well, at least I know how to edit HTML.  New features to be added soon...